Cache Bayou Outfitters is Hiring
River Guide/ Naturalist/Interns
Cache Bayou Outfitters is also looking for Interns and Staff for the summer and Fall 2022 Previous experienced is preferred, including teaching participants canoe and kayak paddling, sharing the natural history of the Cache River and dealing with customers check in and check outs. Must be able to ID key species of trees, birds, and other wildlife of the Cache Bio Region. Able to train in aspects of giving a standard tour. 25-33 hours a week starting in April. Compensation is 12-15 dollars an hour depending on experience. Must be physically fit, focused, confident in front of groups and professional. Must be able to pass a back ground check and have a valid drivers license. Facebook messages & Facebook Resumes will be ignored. Please send real resume to
Earth Skill Instructor
Earth Skill instructors for Sunday workshops and clinics. Primitive technologist teachers,herbalist, trackers, nature connection mentors etc., to share a skill and or teach a craft at our boat launch this year. We will be offering these classes once or twice a month depending on enrollment and its success. Gas, compensation and a meal will be included in the deal, but we also also looking for volunteers as well. Participants include the general public specifically youth. These are designed to be 3-5 hour clinics or workshops so nothing too elaborate. Please contact me directly with PM or send resume to